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Really funny idea! Kind of highlights the importance of staying hydrated while working outside too. haha.
Heatstroke Homestead starts at around 4:30 in the video. Thanks for making a fun game!


Thanks so much for playing! It was a fun game to make.

Really like the animation on the main menu.
Game concept is great as well, can see this growing being a sort idle clicker style game. Could have sprinklers that auto spray water every 20 seconds to keep the workers cool and crops growing type of thing, money collected from harvest could be used for upgrades to workers speed, crop growth etc.

Further to other comments maybe a game over state could be considered; such as if a worker isn't cooled off quickly enough they are unable to work until the game is restarted, that way it would effect crop harvest rates. 


Overall really good! Love the "game feel" with the wacky concept, the character models, and the name "Heatstroke Homestead". The only thing I would do is add stuff. There isn't much to do to influence your profits, and you can't lose (at least I don't think). Otherwise, fun game!